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Rules & Regulations

Guests Who Rule… Follow Guest Rules

1. The following age restrictions apply to the amenities of the casino:

• Gaming Areas & All Bars: 21+ (accompanied minors may walk on bordered carpet);

• River Water Bar & Grille: 16+, when accompanied by an adult 21+;

• The Delta: All ages when accompanied by an adult 21+;

• Medicine Creek Deli: All ages when accompanied by an adult 21+, otherwise, 18+ may dine-in, 16+ may pick up carry-out orders;

• Potlatch Gift Shop; Tequemah, Salmonberry & Huckleberry Meeting Rooms: All ages when accompanied by an adult 21+.

• Minors (with the exception of Deli rules above) must remain under the supervision of an accompanying adult.

• Access to any venue or amenity of the casino not named above, by any person under age 21, is prohibited without the express permission of management.

• Identification requirements are waived for minors while accompanied by an adult 21+ for the purposes of dining.

2. All guests will be required to show identification prior to being admitted to the casino and cooperate with the identification screening process. The Casino requires guests appearing under the age of 30 show identification prior to the service of alcohol. Identification requirements may vary by department and transaction being completed.

3. In the interest of our guests’ health and safety, we reserve the right to refuse service or entry to any guest. Reasons for refusal include, but are not limited to, disruptive behavior, engaging in illegal activities, and health/safety concerns. Guests unlawfully entering or remaining on the property of the casino after being refused service may be addressed as trespassing.

4. No weapons of any kind are allowed in the casino, except for on-duty law enforcement officers. This prohibition includes persons with a concealed pistol license.

5. All guests entering the casino are subject to security screening. Our screening systems may alert for bags, containers, or items on your person. Cooperation with security to identify the cause of any alerts is required for entry.

6. No outside food or drink allowed.

7. Nisqually Red Wind Casino enforces the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s Zero Tolerance for Drugs and Gang-Related Activity.

8. Proper attire and shoes are required at all times. The casino may require covering or removal of any inappropriate apparel or articles such as an emblem, symbol or other insignia, that advocates or encourages gangs or illegal activity; expresses vulgarity or advocates prejudice or discrimination against people; or is otherwise offensive.

9. For the courtesy of our other guests, smoking is not permitted in designated smoke-free areas, all transaction counters, casino shuttles, and elevators. E-cigarettes are not permitted in any designated smoke-free areas. Pipe/cigar smoking and chewing tobacco are not permitted anywhere within the casino building.

10. The use of electronic equipment, to include but not limited to cell phones, handheld digital devices or wireless headsets, are not permitted at Table Games locations. These devices can be used in all other areas of the casino.

11. Side-betting between players and between players and the house is not permitted.

12. Any malfunction voids all pays and plays on the electronic gaming devices.

13. It is the guest’s responsibility to verify that they have collected all tickets and cash from the automated teller machines, currency exchange machines and/or ticket sale and gaming machines.

14. The casino is pleased to offer complimentary Wi-Fi for the use of our guests. Guests may not use this service for any unlawful purpose, including the transmission or receipt of materials that may violate any local, state or federal law or regulation.

15. Casino management reserves the right to stop the use of video recording or photography at any time.

16. Lost and found property will be held by Security for a 30-day claim period, after which the property will be disposed of. Claims of lost and found property will require identification by the rightful owner. This includes lost valet tickets and car keys.

17. Accidents causing bodily injury or damage to personal property must be reported to our security department immediately or prior to leaving the casino premises.

18. The casino encourages drivers to monitor their alcohol consumption and to remain lawful in their decision to drive. Please be aware that we may take the precaution of notifying authorities if a guest elects to drive while intoxicated for their protection and the safety of others.

19. Any guest desiring to leave their vehicle on casino property, to include overflow parking across the street, must register the vehicle with security. Unregistered vehicles may be towed at the expense of the guest.

20. No pets permitted inside the building. The casino welcomes certified service animals who assist disabled companions and remain under effective control by their handler. We may address safety and health issues, which include, but are not limited to, unsanitary conditions, damage to property, obstruction of pathways, and any other type of behavior which poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other customers, our employees, or other service animals.

21. Nisqually Red Wind Casino Management will attempt to resolve any and all gaming disputes. Should the guest be dissatisfied with management’s decision, the guest has the right to request an investigation by the Nisqually Tribal Gaming Commission for final resolution.

22. Violations of these General Rules, safety concerns and/or illegal activity may be referred to a Manager on Duty, the Nisqually Tribal Gaming Agency and/or Law Enforcement as appropriate, and may result in a barring from the Casino premises.

Permanent Barrings: Any guest that has been “Permanently Barred” by the Nisqually Tribal Gaming Agency may appeal the decision in writing to the Nisqually Tribal Gaming Commission. For more information, contact 360-486-8507.

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